Tell Your Senators to Confirm Judge Jackson for Justice of the Supreme Court

We have the opportunity to ensure a highly qualified judge is appointed to the highest court in America. Judge Ketanji Brown Jackson, President Biden’s nominee for the U.S. Supreme Court, will protect the fundamental rights of all America’s workers.

In the weeks ahead, the Senate will consider confirming Ketanji Brown Jackson to serve on the Supreme Court of the United States. IFPTE supports Judge Jackson’s nomination and we urge IFPTE members to contact their Senators to tell them to vote to confirm her.

If confirmed, Judge Jackson, who is currently a federal judge on the U.S. Court of Appeals for the D.C. Circuit, will give working people a fair hearing and apply the Constitution equally and without bias. She will be a voice for justice, and we need to now lend our voice to ensure she is confirmed.

Tell the Senate to confirm her immediately. Make sure your voice is heard in this crucial democratic process.

The AFL-CIO has created three easy ways for union members to tell their senators to vote for Judge Jackson. Together, the labor movement can make her confirmation a reality. Please contact your Senators and tell them to confirm Judge Jackson to the Supreme Court immediately.

We are confident she will bring her clear commitment to equal justice and fairness to the highest court in the land. Add your name to say you support Judge Ketanji Brown Jackson.

Learn more about why IFPTE supports Judge Jackson for Justice of the Supreme Court