AFL-CIO, CLC Call for Worker Centric Aid Packages in Response to COVID-19 Pandemic

The AFL-CIO Executive Council, which IFPTE President Paul Shearon serves on, approved a comprehensive statement this week demanding “action at the scale and with the urgency that this pandemic demands,” while the Canadian Labour Congress, which Canadian Area VP/Local 160 President, Scott Travers serves on, is “calling on all levels of government to provide adequate supports for workers and their families as the impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic reverberate in communities and throughout the economy. 

Read the full AFL-CIO and CLC statements.

March 2020 - CLC Launches Campaign for Paid Sick Leave Days - The Canadian Labour Congress has launched a campaign demanding paid sick leave days for workers across Canada. In addition to the COVID-19 measures being implemented to help families and workers through this period, it is asking the federal and provincial governments to work together to provide 14 paid, job-protected sick days for every worker. Click here to add your voice to the campaign!