Ahead of Deputy Labor Secretary Confirmation Vote, IFPTE Joins Civil and Human Rights Groups in Support of Julie Su

IFPTE and a number of labor unions and civil rights groups joined the Leadership Conference on Civil and Human Rights’ letter to Senate Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions Chair Patty Murray (D-WA) and Ranking Member Richard Burr (R-NC) in support of Julie Su’s confirmation as Deputy Secretary of the Department of Labor. The Office of the Deputy Secretary of Labor oversees the day to day administration of the various components of the DOL.

Su, who is currently the Secretary of the California Labor and Workforce Development Agency, brings a wealth of experience, qualifications, and leadership to the role she has been nominated to. Notably, she has initiated state-wide efforts including the California Future of Work Commission, efforts to close race and gender pay disparities, and has brought together labor, employers, and community groups to a draft a post-pandemic “High Road Recovery” for the state.. Prior to her current leadership role, she served as California Labor Commissioner where she directed more resources to enforceing of wage theft laws and ensuring fair compensation practices.

IFPTE supports Julie Su’s confirmation and looks forward to working with her office to ensure high labor standards and workplace protections for all working people.

Read the Leadership Conference on Civil and Human Rights letter in support of Julie Su’s nomination here.