Annual Society Council Focuses on Building Back Better Post-Pandemic

The Society of United Professionals’ (SUP/IFPTE Local 160) annual Council met on November 8th with a focus on “building back better” as pandemic life gradually returns to normal.  

The Council heard from a number of guest speakers, including IFPTE President Matthew Biggs and Secretary-Treasurer Gay Henson, Canadian Labour Congress President Bea Bruske, Ontario Federation of Labour President Patty Coates, and Toronto & York Region Labour Council President Andria Babbington. 

To help delegates re-imagine what a healthy and just province could look like post-pandemic, the Society hosted keynote speaker Jesse Wente, a best-selling Indigenous author who is a leading cultural commentator and arts leader in Canada. 

One of the key opportunities to build back better is electing a new provincial government that respects Society members’ collective bargaining rights. With a provincial election coming in June 2022, the Council also heard from the Leader of Ontario’s Official Opposition and Leader of the Ontario New Democratic Party Andrea Horwath about her party’s plans.  

Last, but not least, the Society Council also paid tribute to recently retired IFPTE President Paul Shearon and several Society leaders who have or are expecting to retire, including Mike Gade and Jim Botari. A special tribute video was prepared for Paul celebrating his retirement. Watch the video here.

Candace RhettSUP