Chairman John Larson Introduces Social Security 2100 Act -- IFPTE Hails the Landmark Bill as “Critical to Preserving and Expanding Our Nation’s Retirement Security”


WASHINGTON, DC – The executive officers of the International Federation of Professional and Technical Engineers (IFPTE) issued the following statements in response to yesterday’s introduction of the Social Security 2100 Act. Sponsored by House Social Security Subcommittee Chairman John Larson, the legislation strengthens Social Security’s finances while also expanding benefits. 

IFPTE President Matt Biggs:

“Social Security 2100 Act achieves the three key components of importance to IFPTE and our membership – strengthening the Social Security trust fund, expanding the Social Security benefit for current and future retirees, and funding Social Security in a progressive way that does not impact working families.  The Social Security 2100 Act achieves all three of these requirements, which is why IFPTE is pleased to endorse it.  We applaud and thank Chairman Larson and the nearly 200 cosponsors of this landmark legislation.”


IFPTE Secretary-Treasurer Gay Henson:

“Make no mistake about it, this bill is critical to our preserving and expanding our nation’s retirement security.  Unlike other proposals which aim to cut social security, including by raising the retirement age, this proposal expands the benefit for all retirees and beneficiaries, protects seniors from falling below the poverty line, and does so by paying for it without impacting middle- and lower-income workers.  IFPTE is proud to support it.”

IFPTE sent a letter on September 29th before it was introduced urging House lawmakers to be original cosponsors of the bill.  View the IFPTE letter here, and learn more about the legislation here


Download the PDF of this press release here.