"Does This Make Any Sense?" - As Millions Lose Jobs, TVA -Owned by the Federal Government- Plans to Ship IT Jobs to France and India

Despite millions of workers losing jobs due the COVID-19 pandemic, the Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA) continues to move full steam ahead to unnecessarily outsource hundreds of IT jobs. To add insult to injury, TVA senior manager sent a note to the impacted IT workers this week informing them they will have to train their replacements, writing “They will work with us for a period of time prior to taking any action on their own.” 

IFPTE Eastern Federal Area Vice President/EA-Local 1937 President, Gay Henson, who represents 2,500 TVA workers, including those slated to lose their jobs, commented this week saying “Outsourcing the critical technology functions of a federal owned public utility to an overseas firm was always a bad idea…But to continue on this path now, when our entire economy is frozen and workers and families are desperate for income, isn’t in the best interest of TVA or our nation.” 

Read IFPTE's full press statement and the TVA manager’s insulting note to the workers here.