IFPTE Newark Council 21 Takes Their Fight to the City Council

IFPTE Newark Council 21 President Sean Small addressed the Newark City Council this week seeking “justice” for the upwards of 1,000 city workers that he represents.  Brother Small was accompanied by Atlantic Area Vice President/Local 196 President Sean McBride, Local 196 business manager Jimmy Robertello, and IFPTE representative Karen Bellamy Lewis.

President Small informed city lawmakers that, “our member, city employees ensure city daily operation run efficiently, bring transparency to city operations, and provide quality service to our fellow citizen…All we request in return is to be treated with dignity and respect, and be compensated appropriately.”  President Small’s address to the City Council comes at a time when the Local is being stonewalled by city managers refusing good-faith bargaining and a modest pay raise proposals from the union. 

Sean McBride also commented that, “there is no excuse for the city to turn their backs on these dedicated public servants who are seeking fair compensation for their work.  IFPTE here in New Jersey, and nationally will be here with Brother Small and his members till we win this fight.”  

IFPTE Secretary-Treasurer Gay Henson remarked, “IFPTE stands with President Small and the Newark City employees as they continue to plough through the process of obtaining a contract with the City of Newark. The time has come for city leaders to come off of dead center and find a meaningful agreement with these dedicated City of Newark workers.”

Watch IFPTE Newark Council 21 Sean Small’s testimony here (at the 2:37:37 mark) and below.

Watch Council 21 President Sean Small address the Newark City Council.