House Oversight Committee Takes Aim at Federal Union 'Official Time' - IFPTE Weighs In

This week the Republican-led House Oversight Committee considered several bills, including the so-called Protecting Taxpayers Wallet Act, intended to weaken, if not eliminate federal unions by forcing them to pay for the use of official time and other resources. 

In response, IFPTE sent a letter to all Committee members, saying the legislation, “revisits the failed approach of the previous administration to break federal labor-management relations, create punitive barriers to union representation, and make collaborative and effective delivery of government services difficult if not impossible.” 

Unfortunately, the bill passed the committee on a party-line vote, with all Republicans voting for it and all Democrats voting against it.  If it reaches the House floor IFPTE will again ask lawmakers to oppose it.  It is highly unlikely that this will become law; however, the Senate is unlikely to consider it and President Biden would likely veto it. 

Read IFPTE’s letter here.