IFPTE, AFGE Meet with NASA Administrator Bill Nelson

This week IFPTE and AFGE leadership met with NASA Administrator, Bill Nelson, at NASA’s headquarters in Washington, DC.  The meeting, which was the first since Administrator Nelson was confirmed for the post in April, also included senior NASA and union staff.  President Biggs commented that, “IFPTE thanks the Administrator and his team for engaging in a productive and friendly dialogue regarding the workforce concerns of the thousands of NASA workers represented by both IFPTE and AFGE.  The Administrator has a long-standing partnership with labor dating back to his career in the United States Senate, and based on our conversations today, we have little doubt that will continue in his current position as NASA Administrator.” 

Secretary-Treasurer Henson, who also attended the meeting along with legislative director, Faraz Khan, noted that, “we are pleased that the Administrator was more than open to our suggestions of restarting Agency and Center level partnerships at NASA, as well as addressing some of the collective bargaining concerns we raised.   We feel very confident that working together moving forward will benefit IFPTE’s members, NASA, and the American taxpayer.” 

The meeting, which was also attended by AFGE president, Everett Kelley, also focused on NASA’s performance management system implementation.   

(l-r) IFPTE Legislative Director Faraz Khan, IFPTE S/T Gay Henson, IFPTE President Matt Biggs, NASA Administrator Bill Nelson, AFGE President Everrett Kelley, and AFGE Chief of Staff Cory Bythrow

GovernmentCandace RhettNASA