IFPTE Applauds Liz Shuler on Her Election as AFL-CIO President 


The AFL-CIO Executive Council elected Liz Shuler AFL-CIO President today.  Shuler, who was serving as interim President/Secretary-Treasurer following the sudden passing of President Trumka, is the first woman to lead America's labor federation. IFPTE's executive officers offered the following comments.

IFPTE President Matt Biggs: 

"IFPTE was proud to support Sister Shuler's candidacy and is extremely pleased that she will be leading our movement.  Having worked with President Shuler for many years, I know first hand that she is the exact right person to lead us during such a pivotal time in our history.  Workers have a champion in Liz as AFL-CIO President."

IFPTE Secretary-Treasurer Gay Henson: 

"It was just over a week ago that President Shuler addressed our convention in which she outlined her vision for America's labor movement, including creating millions of good paying, union represented jobs and passing the PRO Act.  IFPTE looks forward to working with her and her team in these and many other issues moving forward".


Read President Shuler's open letter here.

Download a PDF of IFPTE’s press statement here.