IFPTE Applauds SEIU’s Re-affiliation with the “House of Labor”
IFPTE participated in an AFL-CIO executive council meeting this week in which President Liz Shuler announced that the 2-million strong Service Employees International Union (SEIU) will rejoin the AFL-CIO after over 20 years as an independent union. IFPTE, which is a proud AFL-CIO affiliate and which sits on the AFL-CIO executive council, applauded the news.
IFPTE President, Matt Biggs:
“This is a historic day for the American labor movement. SEIU’s decision to come back into the House of Labor will only make our SOLIDARITY stronger across all Unions and sectors of the workforce. And it could not have come at a more important time in history. “
IFPTE Secretary-Treasurer, Gay Henson:
“We applaud President Shuler, and Secretary-Treasurer Redmond, as well as SEIU President, April Verrett, for getting this long overdue agreement completed. Our labor movement is stronger when we are all under one roof together, and that is the AFL-CIO. IFPTE was pleased to support this reunification. There is no doubt that it will pay huge dividends when it comes to growing the number of Union members in this nation, as well as moving forward the major issues of importance to working families.”
See the full AFL-CIO statement here.