IFPTE Asks Senators and Representatives to Cosponsor and Support Medicare for All Act of 2023

This week, ahead of the reintroduction of the Medicare for All Act, IFPTE sent letters to Senators and members of the House of Representatives asking for cosponsors for the landmark legislation that seeks to provide high-quality universal healthcare to Americans through a single-payer system.

IFPTE is one of several unions that has led the call for establishing a single-payer healthcare system for the U.S.

In urging lawmakers to endorse and cosponsor the legislation, IFPTE wrote that the bill, “guarantees health care to all Americans by improving the current Medicare by adding coverage for comprehensive health services, including dental, vision, prescription drugs, women’s reproductive health services, and long-term care services.”

Read IFPTE’s letter to Senators and Representatives.

See the list of original cosponsors and endorsing organizations and unions here.