IFPTE Co-Hosts Event for New Jersey Senate Candidate, Rep. Andy Kim

IFPTE and AFSCME cohosted a labor-backed event this week in Washington, DC supporting New Jersey Senate candidate, Congressman Andy Kim. The labor event comes as Congressman Kim gains momentum in the Senate race. 

IFPTE legislative/political director, Faraz Khan, commented, “as the two unions who were the first to endorse Congressman Kim for this all-important Senate seat, it was important that we lead the way in bringing other labor unions on board to support the Congressman.  He is a champion for workers and for collective bargaining, and will be a great supporter of IFPTE’s members as a United States Senator.” 

IFPTE assistant to the executive officers, Brian Kildee, organized the event, and also commented that, “since entering the House of Representatives in 2019 Congressman Kim has been a staunch supporter of IFPTE’s membership and working families overall and he will do the same when he wins this Senate seat.” 

Learn more about Congressman Kim here.