IFPTE Endorses Gov. O’Malley for Democratic National Committee Chair


 WASHINGTON, DC –Today the International Federation of Professional and Technical Engineers endorsed Gov. Martin O’Malley for chair of the Democratic National Committee.

International President Matt Biggs said:

“In the race for Democratic National Committee chair, Martin O’Malley stands alone when it comes to being ready to lead the party on day one.  Everyone running for chair has made sincere and heartfelt statements about the importance of redoubling the party’s commitment to unions and their members, but only Martin O’Malley possesses a track record of creating jobs, expanding workers’ rights and growing the labor movement.  As Mayor of Baltimore, Governor of Maryland, Chair of the Democratic Governors Association, and Administrator of the Social Security Administration, Martin O’Malley has always held himself and his team to a high standard of real, measurable results.  The Democratic Party desperately needs such an approach right now.”

Secretary-Treasurer Gay Henson said:

“As a trade unionist in the South, I know that a winning campaign slogan is one that’s built on the hard work that you’ve already done.  During a recent forum hosted by the labor movement, all the candidates DNC chair shared their visions for the future of the party, but only Martin O’Malley went the extra step of explaining how he would lay the groundwork necessary to make his vision a reality.  The Democrats are a party in crisis, and during a crisis people are often distracted by easy solutions and simple answers.  The members of the Democratic National Committee can signal that they truly understand the depth of the problem and that they’re ready to do the hard work necessary to fix it by electing Martin O’Malley as their next chair.”


IFPTE is a labor union representing upwards of 90,000 workers in the federal, public, and private sectors.


Download a PDF of this press statement here.