IFPTE Honors and Celebrates Juneteenth

Friday, June 19th is the day that we recognize “Juneteenth”. Juneteenth in America is a day to not only celebrate, but a day to reflect, remember and honor the day in 1865 when news of the Emancipation Proclamation reached Galveston, Texas at the end of the U.S. Civil War and enslaved African-Americans there learned that they had been freed – two in a half years AFTER President Lincoln had freed enslaved people. 

Juneteenth is celebrated as a day of freedom across the country, as it will be this year. IFPTE is proud to recognize and celebrate this important day, particularly as so many of our fellow IFPTE Sisters and Brothers and Americans fight for racial justice and economic equality.

D.C. Area Protests, Rallies and Events

Movement for Black Lives #SixNineteen Weekend of Action
