IFPTE International Attends Local 4's Member Picnic

IFPTE Local 4 held a summer member picnic on Wednesday at the Portsmouth Naval Shipyard in Portsmouth, New Hampshire.  The picnic, which was the first all-member event since the pandemic, was on opportunity for Local 4 officers and members to meet in a relaxed environment to discuss the major issues locally, and nationally impacting Local 4’s membership. 

Local 4 president, Eudes James, and vice president, Marc Stettner, focused on the local shipyard concerns impacting Local 4 members, and announced the winners of five annual scholarships the Local awarded to children or grandchildren of dues paying members.  Local 4 also invited IFPTE president, Matt Biggs, and International Representative, David LaFemina to attend and give an update to members on the current issues before Congress impacting federal workers, as well as to report on the happenings around the Federation. 

The scholarship winners are:

Quimby Scholarship ($1500): 

  • Olivia Cloutier (University Of Southern Maine), child to Dave Cloutier

  • Joshua Williams (Lake Region Community College), child to Christopher Williams 

Random Drawing Scholarships ($500):

  • Joshua Williams (Lake Region Community College), child to Christopher Williams

  • Nicole Williams (Endicott College), child to Christopher Williams

  • Christian Ferrante (University Of Maine, Orno), child to Edward Ferrante

Following the picnic Biggs commented that, “the picnic was well attended by Local 4 members, and our discussions around issues both before Congress, and locally, were productive and robust.  I thank Local 4’s leadership and members for inviting us to attend and look forward to working closely together moving forward.” LaFemina also commented, calling the picnic, “a great opportunity for Local 4 to bring members together to hear their concerns, and give updates on the union’s work.” 

Many thanks to Local 4 for hosting the international at their picnic, including Local 4 treasurer, Deb Jennings, who helped to organize and set-up the event. 

Candace RhettLocal 4