IFPTE Joins 368 Organizations and Unions Backing President Biden’s Corporate Tax Plan and Demand Congress Support Fair Taxation, Not Cut Investments for Working Families

On Tax Day, April 18, IFPTE joined hundreds of national and state-based organizations and several unions, including the AFL-CIO, to request Congress support tax increases on large corporations and the wealthiest Americans in order to raise close to $5 trillion over 10 years.

The letter, organized by Americans for Tax Fairness, also urged Congress to reject cuts to Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, education, housing, nutrition programs, and other programs that working Americans in every state of the country count on. Instead, the coalition supporting the letter urges Congress to support these federal programs that support workers, retirees, children, and American economic prosperity.

Read the letter and view the signatories on the Americans for Tax Fairness website.