IFPTE joins Federal Workers Alliance in support of the ALJ Competitive Service Restoration Act

As the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee was preparing to consider the ALJ Competitive Service Restoration Act (HR 4448), to overturn the Trump Administration’s Executive Order politicizing the hiring of federal Administrative Law Judges (ALJs), IFPTE was one of 24 Federal Workers Alliance (FWA) unions signing a letter to Chairs Maloney and Connolly endorsing the bill, warning that former President’s executive order, which still remains in effect, “has created a hiring process that is ripe for political patronage and should be reversed”  In addition to passing HR 4448, the Committee also passed another IFPTE priority, the Comprehensive Paid Leave for Federal Employees Act, to provide 12 weeks of paid family leave for federal employees.  Read the full letter here.   


(7/20/2021) – House Oversight Committee, Oversight Committee passes historic legislation to provide paid family leave to federal employees

(7/2//2021) – Fedweek, Bill to reverse Trump order on ALJs, other measures advance

Candace Rhett