IFPTE Joins Hill Press Event Against So-Called ‘Fiscal Commission’

(l-r) IFPTE President Matt Biggs, Congressman Larson, and IFPTE Legislative Director Faraz Khan

IFPTE President Matt Biggs and Legislative Director, Faraz Khan, joined labor Sisters and Brothers on Capitol Hill this week in support of Connecticut Congressman John Larson’s efforts to prevent a so-called fiscal commission from being enacted into law. 

Congressman Larson, who is the sponsor of the Social Security 2100 Act, which has been endorsed by IFPTE and most American labor unions, called the press conference to warn about the implications of such a commission, including cuts to critically important programs of importance to working families. 

Biggs commented that “any fiscal commission is intended to solve our nation’s debt problems by cutting earned benefits that working families have paid for, including Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, and federal worker pay and benefits.”  Khan also noted that “any recommendations coming from a commission would be fast-tracked through the legislative process, without any opportunity to amend, and would likely not include revenue raisers such as taxing corporations and the ultra-wealthy, many who pay no taxes at all.” 

See IFPTE’s issue paper on the fiscal commission here.