IFPTE Joins Rep. Boyle and Rep. Norcross on Capitol Hill to Introduce Pro-Worker Tax Legislation 

IFPTE President Matt Biggs and Legislative Director Faraz Khan attended a press conference at the Capitol this week in support of worker-friendly legislation authored by Representatives Brendan Boyle (D, PA) and Donald Norcross (D, NJ).  The legislation, entitled the Tax Fairness for Workers Act, would repeal parts of the 2017 corporate tax cut legislation and allow union members to take an above-the-line tax deduction for union dues and deduct the costs of work tools, uniforms, and other work expenses. 

Biggs, who spoke at the press conference, commented that, “IFPTE is proud to support this legislation which helps to reverse some of the damage done to working families by the 2017 tax law that shifted income from the modest, yet critically important tax benefits enjoyed by working families to corporations and the ultra-wealthy.” 

Read Rep. Boyle and Rep. Norcorss’s press release here.

Read more about IFPTE’s support of this legislation here.