IFPTE Joins Unions, Associations, Nonprofits, Faith-Based Groups To Request Education Secretary Cardona Deliver on the Promise of Income-Driven Repayment Programs

On Thursday, the Student Borrowers Protection Center sent a letter signed by 117 organizations, including IFPTE, to Education Secretary Miguel Cardona requesting urgent action to “restore the broken promise” of income-driven repayment (IDR) programs for federal student loans.

Congress modernized IDR plans to include a process for cancelling student loan debt after 20 years so that it would not be a lifetime burden on borrowers, but only 32 out of 4.4 million IDR borrowers have been successfully able to cancel their loans.

Read more about what the Department of Education can do to restore the IDR pathway to a debt-free future for student loan borrowers and read the letter sent by the Student Borrowers Protection Center and a coalition of unions and organizations.