IFPTE Local 195 Members Overwhelmingly Approve ‘Best Contract in Over 20 Years’

Ninety-six percent of IFPTE Local 195 dues-paying members voted last week to approve a historically worker-friendly contract to run to July 1, 2026.  

The achievements won by the bargaining team, led by Local 195 President Deborah Spencer, included:

  • a 14.82% across-the-board compounded wage increase over the four years, including 3.5% increases each year

  • the elimination of the pay cap for workers at the Step 10 level

  • a clothing and maintenance allowance of $550 annually

  • increases in eye care reimbursements

among many other worker-friendly benefits.

Spencer commented on the hard-fought contract negotiations.  “The hard work and long hours put in by the negotiations team certainly paid off handsomely.  There is no doubt that this is the best contract Local 195 has had in the last twenty years.  The wage nearly 15% compounded pay increases through the duration of the contract, the fact that we protected our healthcare benefits from increases in the employee contributions, along with many other benefits we negotiated was indeed a huge win for our members.  This, of course, could not have happened without the strong support of all of the rank-and-file dues-paying members of Local 195.  This is a huge win for all of us.” 

To see photos of the ratification vote, visit the Local 195 webpage