IFPTE Mourns the Tragic and Avoidable Loss of Life In Lewiston, Maine

Statement by IFPTE International President Matthew Biggs and IFPTE Secretary-Treasurer Gay Henson

The IFPTE family mourns for the families, loved ones, and friends of all of those who were tragically killed in Maine on Wednesday evening. 

These deaths occurred in a state where IFPTE proudly represents thousands of workers and in communities that are home to IFPTE members and their families, including IFPTE Local 4 members who live in Lewiston and adjacent areas. While IFPTE members are safe and accounted for, our members and their families and the communities they live in have been impacted by this tragedy.

We send out our deepest condolences to all the families and communities of the victims.  IFPTE looks to Congress to provide leadership to help keep Americans safe from this sort of senseless violence.


Friday, October 27, 2023
Candace M. Rhett