IFPTE Releases Its 2020 Congressional Endorsements

Below is a bipartisan list of Congressional candidates that IFPTE is supporting in the 2020 elections this November. These candidates have stood with IFPTE on the issues that impact the union’s diverse and growing membership. Candidates are listed in alphabetical order. 

IFPTE's 2020 Congressional Endorsements

*Candidates who co-sponsored the Protecting the Right to Organize Act (HR 2474) and the Public Service Freedom to Negotiate Act (HR 3463) to bring much-needed labor law reform and collective bargaining protections to private and public sector workers. 


*Rep. Anthony Brown (D-4th, MD) – Congressman Brown has established himself as one of the House’s staunchest supporters of working families over his two terms in the House of Representatives. He has sponsored legislation to bring all federal employee pensions back in line with pre-2016 levels, been a vocal supporter of robust COVID relief legislation aimed at working families, co-sponsored bills protecting official time and in support of federal employee pay increases, advocated for a well-funded infrastructure bill that will create and preserve well-paying union-represented jobs in both the private and government sectors, and has voted with organized labor 95% of the time. IFPTE is happy to support Rep. Brown as he seeks his second term in the House of Representatives. 

*Rep. Cheri Bustos (D-17th, IL) – Congresswoman Bustos is a strong and unapologetic supporter of workers and their unions, including workers represented by IFPTE. When IFPTE asked her to author legislation during the 115th Congress to protect the jobs of IFPTE-represented United States Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) lock and dam workers, she was more than happy to lead the effort. Her bipartisan bill, co-authored by Rep. Rodney Davis (R-IL), eventually became law as a part of the Water Resources Development Act (WRDA). Rep. Bustos also boasts a 94% lifetime rating on the AFL-CIO’s voting scorecard. IFPTE is proud to support her as she seeks her 5th term in Congress. 

*Rep. Matt Cartwright (D-8th, PA) – As the sponsor of the Public Service Freedom to Negotiate Act in the House (HR 3463), Congressman Cartwright has been an unwavering advocate for public sector employees and their unions' rights. Congressman Cartwright carries with him a 96% lifetime score on the AFL-CIO voting scorecard and his voting record is punctuated by his support for federal employees’ official time and due process rights, upholding labor standards and affordable health care, and ensuring the budget appropriations process incorporates workers’ concerns. As he seeks his 5th term to represent the 8th district in northeast Pennsylvania, IFPTE is happy to endorse Congressman Cartwright. 

Rep. Ed Case (D-1st, HI) – Congressman Case, who is serving a second stint in Congress, is seeking another term to represent the constituents of Hawaii’s 1st Congressional District, which includes workers represented by IFPTE Local 121 at Pearl Harbor Naval Shipyard. He has vowed to support the state’s workers, including the tens of thousands of federal employees working and living in Hawaii, and their unions. Congressman Case also boasts a 100% voting score from the AFL-CIO. As he seeks another term in the House, IFPTE extends our support to Ed Case.

*Rep. Steven Cohen (D-9th, TN) – Congressman Cohen, who represents Tennessee’s 9th Congressional District, has spent a career in Congress as a strong supporter of collective bargaining rights, which is reflected in his 98% voting approval rating from the AFL-CIO. The Congressman not only supports unions throughout his district and the nation, but he has also stepped up to the plate in support of IFPTE members directly. Most recently the Congressman wrote a letter in support of IFPTE Local 1937 represented IT workers whose jobs are being targeted for off-shoring by the Tennessee Valley Authority. As he seeks his 9th term in the U.S. House, IFPTE is pleased to endorse him.

Rep. Tom Cole (R-4th, OK) – Congressman Cole represents thousands of federal workers who live and work in his Oklahoma congressional district. He has been a strong advocate on many issues important to civil servants and their unions. He is a consistent vote of support for official time, works against unfair contracting of federal jobs, and is in a key position on the appropriations committee when it comes to beating back anti-worker legislation offered as a part of the budgetary process. As he seeks his 10th term in the House, IFPTE is proud to back his candidacy.

*Rep. Gerry Connolly (D-11th, VA) – Representing Northern Virginia, Congressman Connolly is one of the strongest advocates for federal workers on Capitol Hill. He serves on the Oversight and Government Reform Committee and is chairman of the Subcommittee on Government Operations, which has jurisdiction over federal workers. Rep. Connolly is a supporter of private sector labor law reform and, as a former County Executive, has worked hard in Congress to get aid to state governments, including as a part of the COVID relief legislation and through advocating for a robust transportation infrastructure bill. Representing tens of thousands of federal workers, he has authored several pro-civil servant bills, including legislation calling for a federal employee pay raise, and has a 91% lifetime approval rating from the AFL-CIO. As he seeks his 7th term in Congress, IFPTE is proud to support Congressman Connolly. 

*Rep. Danny Davis (D-7th, IL) – Congressman Davis, who has voted with organized labor 98% of the time during his 24 years in Congress, has a long-standing record of supporting issues important to IFPTE members. IFPTE will not soon forget his staunch backing during our union’s 2006-2007 organizing campaign at the Government Accountability Office (GAO) and his work to advance a bill to provide GAO/IFPTE Local 1921 represented workers their unjustly denied COLAs. Congressman Davis also understands how important it is to support federal programs like transportation and Medicaid funding, programs that not only result in jobs but also much needed federal aid to our state and local governments. IFPTE is proud to support Congressman Davis in his bid for reelection to represent the 7th District of Illinois. 

Rep. Rodney Davis (R-13th, IL) – Congressman Rodney Davis is an ardent supporter of collective bargaining in all sectors of our economy, is a leader in advocating for a robust transportation infrastructure bill that creates well-paying union-represented jobs, and has been a solid vote in support of preserving federal employees’ official time. He also coauthored IFPTE-backed legislation to ensure that all federal workers at USACE locks and dams, including thousands represented by IFPTE, are protected from any efforts to privatize their jobs. IFPTE is proud to support Congressman Rodney Davis as he seeks his 5th term in the House.

*Rep. Peter DeFazio (D-4th, OR) – Congressman DeFazio is the chairman of the powerful House Transportation Committee and has been a longtime friend to IFPTE. As committee chairman, Congressman DeFazio and his staff have included IFPTE-specific language in critical bills moving through his committee, including language to protect the jobs of IFPTE represented Army Corps of Engineers lock and dam workers. The Congressman also ensures that all transportation committee related funding bills moving through his committee include provisions mandating that government contractors pay Davis-Bacon wages to workers and enter into project-labor agreements for federally funded transportation projects. Rep. DeFazio is also an adamant opponent of President Trump’s union-busting executive orders. Chairman DeFazio has a 93% AFL-CIO approval rating, and IFPTE is proud to support his candidacy. 

*Rep. Rosa DeLauro (D-3rd, CT) – Congresswoman DeLauro is one of the most effective lawmakers in Washington and as the chairperson of the Labor Appropriations Subcommittee is a critically important voice for working families. Since coming to the House 30 years ago, Representative DeLauro has been one of IFPTE’s strongest allies as evidenced by her past and continued advocacy for federal assistance to states and localities, her leadership on the fight against unfair trade agreements, and her work to block implementation of the union-busting policies being put forward by the Trump Administration. Congresswoman DeLauro is a strong proponent of a living wage, corporate bankruptcy reform to prevent corporate criminals from raiding worker pension funds, and continues to support labor law reform. The Congresswoman has a 99% AFL-CIO approval rating and, as she seeks a 16th term to the U.S. House, IFPTE is happy to back her candidacy.

*Rep. Suzan DelBene (D-1st, WA) – Since entering Congress is 2012, Congresswoman DelBene has been a leader in the House in advocating for issues involving technology, health, and education. She has been particularly focused on protecting America’s aerospace industry and has been a strong proponent of a fully functioning Export-Import Bank. The Congresswoman works closely with several IFPTE Locals, including SPEEA/IFPTE Local 2001, and IFPTE Locals 8A and 12, all located in Washington State. Finally, Congresswoman DelBene boasts a 93% AFL-CIO voting approval rating. As she seeks another term in the House, IFPTE is proud to support her candidacy. 

*Rep. Brian Fitzpatrick (R-8th, PA) – Congressman Fitzpatrick and his staff have become one of IFPTE’s most valued supporters. He has voted with labor in both the 115th Congress and the current 116th Congress on many key issues, including opposing all amendments that would eliminate “official time,” voting against legislation aimed at gutting the NLRB and voting several times in support of ensuring that federal government contractors adhere to Davis-Bacon prevailing wage requirements. As Local 3’s John Garrity said recently, “The members of IFPTE Local 3 thank Congressman Fitzpatrick for his strong support of our Local and our members. The Congressman has and continues to stand up for workers on many critical votes.” As he seeks his 3rd term in Congress, IFPTE is proud to support Representative Fitzpatrick.

*Rep. Jared Golden (D-2nd, ME) – Congressman Golden was elected to Congress after serving in the Marine Corps, with tours in both Iraq and Afghanistan. As a member of the House Armed Services Committee, Congressman Golden has a unique, on-the-ground perspective of the issues facing military personnel and he also understands the major issues facing DOD civilian workers, as evidenced by his strong support for the members of IFPTE Local 4. Congressman Golden has worked to mitigate the damage caused by the Trump Administration’s union-busting executive orders, fought to protect the pay and benefits of federal workers, and is a staunch proponent of a strong state and local government aid package as a part of the next COVID relief bill. Rep. Golden has a 95% AFL-CIO voter approval rating and IFPTE is pleased to support his candidacy. 

*Delegate Eleanor Holmes-Norton (D-DC) – Congresswoman Norton has represented the citizens of Washington, D.C. in Congress for 30 years. As one of the foremost experts on federal employees’ issues, she has steadfastly supported civil servant rights – everything from collective bargaining to veterans’ preference rights. Congresswoman Norton is a champion on such issues as paid parental leave for federal workers and has led the fight in dispelling misleading claims about ‘overpaid’ federal workers. She has also been a vocal supporter of IFPTE’s successful efforts to organize the Administrative Law Judges in the District of Columbia and was a strong supporter of the workers at GAO when they were seeking to be represented by IFPTE. Congresswoman Norton is a champion in Congress for working people and IFPTE is proud to support her bid for a 16th term in the United States House of Representatives. 

Rep. Steny Hoyer (D-5th, MD) – Representing the 5th Congressional District of Maryland, just outside of Washington, D.C., Congressman Hoyer represents tens of thousands of federal workers and, as House Majority Leader, establishes the House legislative schedule, playing a leading role in aggressively moving workers’ issues forward in Congress. His district is home to hundreds of IFPTE members and he has been one of IFPTE’s ‘go-to lawmakers’ when it comes to pushing IFPTE-specific concerns. Congressman Hoyer works each day in Congress to fend off brutal attacks in the House against federal workers, supports strong investment in transportation and infrastructure spending, and fights against egregious federal contracting out measures. He stands firm with labor and scores 97% by the AFL-CIO on votes of importance to organized labor. As he seeks a 21st term in the House, IFPTE is proud to give him our full support. 

*Rep. Pramila Jayapal (D-7th, WA) – Congresswoman Jayapal, who is wrapping up her second term in Congress, has stepped up strong in support of the tens of thousands of members IFPTE represents in the Seattle area. She is an outspoken supporter of a fully operational Export-Import Bank, an opponent of the attacks on federal workers and their unions, and has had an open-door policy for SPEEA/IFPTE Local 2001 leaders and their members. Rep. Jayapal also boasts an AFL-CIO voting approval rating of 97%. As she seeks a 3rd term in the United States House, IFPTE is proud to support her.

Rep. David Joyce (R-14th, OH) – When IFPTE visits the office of Representative Joyce, he and his staff have been more than accommodating in addressing the issues directly impacting IFPTE’s membership in Ohio. Whether it is protecting NASA civilian jobs, voting in support of official time, or condemning the Trump Administration’s executive orders, Congressman Joyce has been a solid supporter of IFPTE and our members. In turn, we are happy to support him as he seeks a fifth term in the U.S. House.

*Rep. Marcy Kaptur (D-9th, OH) – Congresswoman Kaptur has been one of the strongest voices in support of American workers and their unions in Congress since 1983. She is also a close ally of IFPTE, particularly workers represented by IFPTE Local 28 at the NASA Glenn Research Center in Cleveland and members of the Association of Administrative Law Judges (AALJ/Judicial Council 1). Congresswoman Kaptur advocates for robust NASA spending, for the protection of NASA federal jobs from privatization, against attacks on members of the AALJ, and in support of federal unions and their members. She has also been a leader in reversing our unfair trade policies which have led to the mass exodus of American manufacturing jobs and boasts a 97% AFL-CIO approval rating. As Rep. Kaptur seeks another term in the House, IFPTE is pleased to support her.

*Rep. Derek Kilmer (D-6th, WA) – Congressman Kilmer, who is concluding his fourth term in the House, has established himself as one of IFPTE’s strongest advocates on Capitol Hill and has proven himself well-deserving of reelection. Through his past position on the House Armed Services Committee, Rep. Kilmer coauthored bipartisan legislative language to ensure that workers at the Bremerton Naval Shipyard, including IFPTE Local 12 members, would be protected from furloughs if there is a government shutdown or sequestration. And, in his current role on the House Appropriations Committee, he has successfully led the way in ensuring that DOD workers receive their full per diems when they travel long distances and for long periods for work. The Congressman continues to protect shipyard workers abroad, making sure they get paid overtime pay as is consistent with U.S. labor law. When it comes to the tens of thousands of aerospace workers in the Puget Sound area, Congressman Kilmer is a strong proponent of a fully functional Export-Import bank that is so very important to the health of American manufacturing, particularly in the aerospace industry. In 2018, Congressman Kilmer wrote an op-ed taking serious issue with the President’s executive orders aimed at federal employees, writing that, “In the decade-and-a-half I spent in private industry, I never saw a successful company attract talent by cutting benefits and disparaging its employees.” Lastly, Rep. Kilmer has a 93% AFL-CIO approval score, is a strong supporter of the union, and IFPTE is happy to support him.

*Rep. Andy Kim (D-3rd, NJ) – In just his first term in office, Congressman Andy Kim has become one of IFPTE’s go-to lawmakers and a staunch supporter of working families. The Congressman has not only gained the support of the IFPTE International but also IFPTE Locals in New Jersey, including Locals 195 and 196. IFPTE Local 195 President Tim Rudolph noted that “Andy Kim is only in his first term but has stood up large for unions, and we want to keep him in Washington to work with us and working families toward protecting collective bargaining rights, increasing wage growth and protecting our pensions, health care, and job security. Rep. Kim has an unblemished 100% AFL-CIO approval rating and IFPTE is pleased to support him.

*Rep. Ann Kuster (D-2nd, NH) – During her 8 years in the U.S. House, Rep. Kuster has long been a friend to IFPTE, particularly IFPTE Local 4. Most recently, she has been fighting to save the child development center at the Cold Regions Research and Engineering Lab in Hanover, a facility that IFPTE members depend heavily on for childcare needs. The Congresswoman is a vocal opponent of President Trump’s union-busting executive orders and is a strong proponent of providing robust state and local government aid in the next COVID relief package. Rep. Kuster has a 93% AFL-CIO lifetime approval rating and IFPTE is proud to support her candidacy.

*Rep. Rick Larsen (D-2nd, WA) – Representing Everett, Bellingham and surrounding areas in Washington State, Rep. Larsen’s congressional district includes thousands of SPEEA/IFPTE Local 2001 members employed by the Boeing Company. As the chairman of the House Aviation Subcommittee, Congressman Larsen has been a staunch supporter of SPEEA and the major issues facing the membership, including calling for a fully functioning Export-Import Bank, advocating for strong FAA safety certification standards in aerospace manufacturing, and supporting collective bargaining rights for SPEEA members. Congressman Larsen has a 93% AFL-CIO approval rating, and IFPTE is proud to support his candidacy.

*Rep. John Larson (D-1st, CT) – Representative Larson has been the strongest voice of support for preserving and expanding Social Security in Congress and authored an IFPTE endorsed bill to do just that. In his role as the chairman of the House Social Security Subcommittee, he has also worked very closely with the members of the AALJ/IFPTE Judicial Council 1 on issues ranging from ALJ judicial independence to fighting against SSA union-busting. The Congressman has a 97% AFL-CIO voting approval rating and IFPTE is proud to support Representative Larson as he seeks his 12th term in the House of Representatives. 

*Rep. Barbara Lee (D-13th, CA) – During her 22 years in the U.S. House, Congresswoman Lee has been an unapologetic and vocal supporter of collective bargaining rights for working families, particularly the thousands of members of IFPTE Locals 20, 21 and 30 living in and around her district in the Bay Area. In her role on the House Appropriations Committee, she consistently seeks to defund any efforts of the current administration to bust unions and supports Davis-Bacon prevailing wage standards for all work performed by federal government contractors. Congresswoman Lee has a 98% AFL-CIO lifetime approval rating and IFPTE is proud to support her candidacy.

*Rep. Andy Levin (D-9th, MI) – Like Congressman Norcross, Representative Levin is a union brother who came to Congress directly from the labor movement. From 1995 to 2006, Andy served as Assistant Director of Organizing at the national AFL-CIO, where he created and ran Union Summer, helped many unions with collaborative organizing campaigns around the country, and created and led the Voice@Work Campaign. He led the floor debate this past February when the House of Representatives considered and ultimately passed the Protecting the Right to Organize Act (HR 2474), to protect workers and even the playing field when workers in the private sector join together for form unions. Most recently he has worked directly with IFPTE as he crafted the SAFE Workers Act (Secure And Fair Elections for Workers Act) aimed at allowing workers to exercise their rights during the COVID-19 pandemic by directing the National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) to swiftly develop a process and procedures for conducting union representation elections electronically. Congressman Levin has a 90% AFL-CIO approval rating and IFPTE is proud to back his candidacy. 

*Rep. John Lewis (D-8th, GA) – One thing most Republicans and Democrats can agree on is that Congressman John Lewis is the conscience of Congress. The Congressman’s labor record is near perfect as well, boasting a lifetime AFL-CIO voting approval rating of 99%. As a long-time friend to IFPTE, we will not soon forget his support for IFPTE members many years ago when he sent a stern letter to Boeing calling on the aerospace giant to steer clear of any intimidation of SPEEA members during a recertification campaign in Wichita, nor his speaking to those in attendance at a past IFPTE legislative conference in Washington, D.C. Congressman Lewis has stood behind labor time and time again without hesitation and as he seeks to represent the 5th Congressional District of Georgia for an 18th term, IFPTE is honored to support his candidacy.

*Rep. Zoe Lofgren (D-19th, CA) – As chair of the House Judiciary Committee’s Subcommittee of Immigration and Citizenship, Chairwoman Lofgren has been a principled advocate for the judicial independence of immigration judges and has supported the National Association of Immigration Judges (NAIJ/IFPTE Judicial Council 2) against the DOJ’s union-busting efforts. Her subcommittee has provided necessary oversight of the U.S. Immigration Court and invited NAIJ leadership to testify before the Subcommittee on the agency’s politicization of the court. Working in the interest of union members in the 19th District in Northern California – which includes thousands of IFPTE members in the federal, public, and private sectors – Congresswoman Lofgren has a 96% lifetime voting approval rating from the AFL-CIO. As she seeks her 14th term, IFPTE is happy to endorse Congresswoman Lofgren. 

*Rep. Carolyn Maloney (D-12th, NY) – Congresswoman Maloney is a proud supporter of America’s unions, their members, and workers in general. In her position as the chair of the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee, she has direct jurisdiction over polices and legislation impacting federal labor unions and civilian workers. Fortunately for IFPTE and federal workers, she has stood tall in moving legislative initiatives that have direct, positive impacts on the working lives of federal employees, including leading the way on paid parental leave, an adequate federal pay raise, and blocking any attempts to cut federal pensions and health benefits. Rep. Maloney holds a 97% lifetime approval rating from the AFL-CIO and IFPTE pleased to support her. 

*Rep. Donald Norcross (D-1st, NJ) – As Congressman Norcross pointed out during his speech at IFPTE’s 2018 Convention, he comes from a union household, is a lifetime union member, and will fight every day in Congress for union members in all sectors of the economy. Given that IFPTE works very closely with him and his staff, particularly the Locals in New Jersey representing tens of thousands of members, we know first-hand that ‘union’ comes first for Rep. Norcross. He has led the way at the federal level in supporting IFPTE Local 196’s efforts to bring worker safety measures to New Jersey’s highways, is a strong voice of opposition to the union-busting executive orders authored by the Trump Administration, and he boasts a 96% AFL-CIO voting record. As he seeks a 5th term in Congress, IFPTE extends to him our full backing.

*Rep. Chris Pappas (D-1st, NH) - Representative Pappas is concluding his first term in the House of Representatives, having established himself as a strong supporter of working families and collective bargaining rights. He has a 100% AFL-CIO approval rating, is opposed to the Trump Administration’s executive orders aimed at destroying federal labor unions, and has worked closely with IFPTE Local 4 on critical issues impacting their members employed at the Portsmouth Naval Shipyard. As he seeks a second term in the House, IFPTE is pleased to support him.

*Rep. Bill Pascrell, Jr. (D-9th, NJ) – Through his 24 years in Congress, Congressman Pascrell has been a staunch supporter of unions, union members and working families overall. Has was an original cosponsor of labor law reform legislation, aggressively works to protect Social Security from privatization, and supports pension reform so that companies can no longer raid the pension funds of their workers. He has also been a strong advocate for the issues of importance to the thousands of IFPTE represented public workers in New Jersey and is a strong proponent of workers and their unions. As the sponsor of the H-1B and L-1 Visa Reform Act of 2020 (H.R. 6993), Congressman Pascrell leads the effort in the House to address the exploitive and broken high-skills guest worker visa system that lowers wages and labor standards while allowing for the displacement of workers in the U.S. Representative Pascrell has a 98% AFL-CIO voting approval rating and as he seeks a 14th term in Congress, IFPTE is proud to support his candidacy.

*Rep. Donald Payne, Jr. (D-10th, NJ) – Congressman Payne is seeking his 6th term in Congress and IFPTE is happy to support him. He has been a steadfast advocate for the members of IFPTE Locals in New Jersey. He supports robust aid to state governments, has opposed privatization of state jobs in New Jersey, and is a co-sponsor of both the Protecting the Right to Organize Act (HR 2474) and the Public Service Freedom to Negotiate Act (HR 3463), legislation that would bring about long-overdue labor law reforms and guarantee bargaining rights in the private and public sector. Congressman Payne has a 98% voting approval rating with organized labor and IFPTE is happy to support him. 

*Rep. Nancy Pelosi (D-12th, CA) - As Speaker of the House of Representatives, Speaker Pelosi wields a tremendous amount of power when it comes to what bills are considered in Committee and on the House floor, and which ones are not considered. When it comes to bills positively impacting working families, as well as all the spending and major authorizing bills, Speaker Pelosi always prioritizes the needs of workers first. IFPTE Western Area Vice President Larry Griffin, who has worked closely with the Speaker in the Bay Area for several decades, said that the Speaker, “never hesitates to address the concerns of not only IFPTE members at Local 21 and throughout the Bay Area, but IFPTE and union members throughout the nation.” This includes ensuring that all federal contractors pay their employees Davis-Bacon prevailing wages and that all federal contracts are administered through project labor agreements. Speaker Pelosi also moved legislation that repealed President Trump’s union-busting executive orders, successfully moved the Protecting the Right to Organize Act (HR 2474) to House passage, and has guaranteed consideration of the Public Service Freedom to Negotiate Act (HR 3463). Speaker Pelosi boasts a 96% lifetime approval rating from the AFL-CIO and IFPTE is pleased to continue to support her candidacy. 

*Rep. Chellie Pingree (D-1st, ME) - Representative Pingree was elected to Congress in 2008, becoming the first woman to represent Maine’s 1st Congressional District. Since entering Congress twelve years ago up through today, she has been a champion for working families, particularly those represented by IFPTE. Working closely with IFPTE Local 4, the Congresswoman has been critical in fighting the Trump Administration’s attack on collective bargaining rights and has been critical in fighting to protect worker pensions and health care benefits. She has a 98% lifetime approval rating from the AFL-CIO and IFPTE is pleased to support her candidacy. 

*Rep. Jamie Raskin (D-8th, MD) - Congressman Raskin is as supportive of IFPTE as anyone in Congress. He spoke passionately at the IFPTE legislative conference this February about his work to protect collective bargaining rights from the union-busting efforts of the Trump Administration, as well as his work to bring transparency to the current administration’s efforts to stifle the work and findings of our nation’s scientists and doctors. Congressman Raskin has most recently been fighting to bring a robust state and local government aid package to help ailing governments throughout the nation. Representative Raskin has a 96% lifetime approval rating from the AFL-CIO. IFPTE is proud to support his candidacy. 

*Rep. Kim Schrier, (D-8th, WA) – As she seeks her second term in the U.S. House, IFPTE is proud to support Congresswoman Schrier. In her first term in office, she has ‘walked the walk’ in support of unions, union members, and working families overall, particularly the tens of thousands of workers in the Puget Sound area represented by IFPTE Locals 8A, 12 and 2001. She has met with IFPTE national-level leaders, as well as SPEEA’s leaders and members, and has put workers first by voting for legislation that will create jobs, invest in a domestic manufacturing base, and will level the playing field by bringing more power back to workers, not corporations. IFPTE is proud to back her candidacy for Washington’s 8th Congressional District. 

*Rep. Bobby Scott (D-3rd, VA) – Congressman Scott has an unblemished record when it comes to issues of importance to IFPTE. Whether it be advocating for the preservation of collective bargaining at DOD and safeguarding the work at the Norfolk Naval Shipyard, his support of concrete labor law reform, or working to bring affordable health-care to all Americans, Congressman Scott has stood with IFPTE since his first day in office. In particular, his contributions to IFPTE Local 1 has been invaluable. As a longtime friend of Rep. Scott, former Local 1 Legislative Director Drew Terry described the Congressman like this: “Bobby is our guy in Washington!” Congressman Scott is also the chairman of the House Education and Workforce Committee, overseeing labor issues, and, as the author of the Protecting the Right to Organize Act (HR 2474), he shares our urgency for enacting labor law reform and collective bargaining protections for private and public sector workers. Congressman Scott has a 98% AFL-CIO approval rating and he seeks a 17th term to represent the 3rd Congressional District of Virginia. IFPTE is proud to extend him our full endorsement. 

*Rep. Adam Smith (D-9th, WA) – Congressman Smith is the chairman of the powerful House Armed Services Committee (HASC) and has a huge influence in shaping the major issues facing IFPTE members, particularly federal employees. As chairman, Congressman Smith was front and center in rejecting the Trump Administration’s attempts to attach legislation to the annual National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) that was aimed at cutting federal worker pensions and health care benefits, and eroding official time. He has also led the way in supporting a strong defense budget leading to jobs not only in the federal sector but also in the private sector. The Congressman boasts an AFL-CIO voting approval rating of 94% and is a close friend to all IFPTE Locals in the Seattle area. IFPTE is proud to support his candidacy. 

*Rep. Chris Smith (R-4th, NJ) – Congressman Smith is a steadfast supporter of New Jersey’s working people, whether they are public, private, or federal workers, and has been one of IFPTE’s best friends on Capitol Hill for many years. Representative Smith is a member of the House Caucus on the Middle-Class and is a supporter of labor law reform legislation to bring fairness back to working people involved in union organizing drives. Most recently, Congressman Smith voted to maintain Davis-Bacon union wages for workers of government contractors, has voted against efforts to do away with official time, and has signed letters in opposition to President Trump’s anti-worker executive orders. IFPTE Local 196 President/Atlantic Area Vice President Sean McBride commented that “Representative Smith has been a steadfast supporter of labor unions and workers in New Jersey and throughout the United States for many, many years. Local 196, and all of our members throughout New Jersey, know he stands with us, which is why IFPTE is proud to stand with him.” 

*Rep. Paul Tonko (D-21st, NY) – Congressman Tonko has become one of the strongest supporters of working families in Congress, including those represented by IFPTE. He has been a dedicated supporter of labor law reform legislation and has an AFL-CIO approval rating of 98%. Congressman Tonko has been particularly supportive of the members of IFPTE Local 147, including when the Local needed assistance to stem an anti-union effort by their employer during a past organizing campaign. As the Congressman seeks his 7th term in the House, IFPTE is proud to back his candidacy. 

*Rep. Bonnie Watson Coleman (D-12th, NJ) – Congresswoman Watson Coleman is a seasoned public servant in the state having served in the New Jersey legislature before she entered the U.S. Congress four years ago. In her time in the United States House, she has been the go-to lawmaker on the Hill for the Locals in New Jersey, having supported many of the issues impacting New Jersey’s workers, including calling for no cuts to state worker pensions, protecting government jobs from privatization, support for national-level labor law reform to bring fairness back to union organizing drives, and worked against Trump Administration executive orders aimed at eliminating federal labor unions. She also has a 97% AFL-CIO approval rating. As IFPTE Local 195 President Tim Rudolph recently said, “Bonnie Watson Coleman is a staunch supporter of our members and she serves us very well in Washington. We are excited to support her.” 

Rep. Rob Wittman (R-1st, VA) – Congressman Wittman and IFPTE have worked closely together since he entered the House of Representatives in 2007. Not only has he been a strong advocate for the members of IFPTE Local 1, but he has also consistently stood by federal workers when it comes to official time, federal pensions and benefits, and a strong Navy that will maintain and create well-paying, union-represented defense jobs at our nation’s public shipyard. Congressman Wittman has also condemned the Trump Administration’s executive orders aimed directly at civilian workers and their unions. IFPTE is happy to lend Rep. Wittman our support.

State Senator Kaiali'i “Kai” Kahele – (D-2nd, HI) – Hawai‘i Senator Kai Kahele is running to fill the seat of retiring Rep. Tulsi Gabbard in the state’s 2nd Congressional District and IFPTE is proud to lend him our endorsement. Senator Kahele has been in the Hawaii State Senate since 2016, and is an 18-year veteran, pilot and commissioned officer in the Hawai‘i Air National Guard, where he continues to serve as a Lt. Colonel with the 201st Air Operations Group. During his more than five years in the State Senate, Kahele has established himself as a staunch supporter of collective bargaining, workers, and unions, which should be no surprise given that he is a union member himself in the Air Line Pilots Association. IFPTE Local 121 President Jamie Uyeunten summed up the IFPTE endorsement best, commenting that, “as a card-carrying union member, there is little doubt that Kai Kahele will take his union card with him to Capitol Hill and work to preserve our collective bargaining rights, which is sorely needed now more than ever. Those of us here in Hawaii and represented by IFPTE Local 121 also look forward to working with him on the critical local issues impacting us here as federal workers.” As he seeks to win this very important seat, IFPTE is happy to support Kai Kahele’s candidacy. 

Mary Bacon - (D-10th, WA) – Up until a few short months ago, Mary Bacon was the president of IFPTE Local 12, leading one of IFPTE’s most impactful Locals. Mary has spent her career as a federal employee working at the Bremerton Naval Shipyard where she became a member of Local 12 from day one, a scientist, a soldier, and a union leader. She left federal service to run for Congress to fill the seat being vacated by retiring Rep. Denny Heck. Because Mary is an IFPTE union sister, and because we know she will proudly take her union card with her to Washington, DC, IFPTE is proud to back her candidacy. 


*Candidates who co-sponsored the Protecting the Right to Organize Act (S 1306) and the Public Service Freedom to Negotiate Act (S 1970) to bring much-needed labor law reform and collective bargaining protections to private and public sector workers.

*Sen. Corey Booker (D-NJ) – Senator Booker has had a long-standing, productive working relationship with IFPTE members, beginning when he was the Mayor of Newark, New Jersey up to his current role as a United States Senator. As he said in his video address to the delegates at IFPTE’s 2018 Convention in Atlantic City, he is opposed to the Trump Administration’s attacks on American unions and has, and continues, to work to mitigate the damage that these attacks have caused. Senator Booker has an unblemished 100% AFL-CIO approval rating. IFPTE is happy to support him.

*Senator Chris Coons (D-DE) – Senator Coons has been a longtime friend to IFPTE, particularly the members of IFPTE Local 3 employed by the Navy in Philadelphia. He is an adamant opponent of the Trump union-busting executive orders, a supporter of a robust state and local government aid package due to COVID pandemic related hits to government budgets, and has a 98% AFL-CIO approval rating. IFPTE is happy to lend our support to him as he seeks his second term in the Senate.

*Senator Dick Durbin (D-IL) – Senator Durbin has been a long-time friend to IFPTE, including but not limited to his leadership on reforming the H-1B and L-1 guest-worker visa programs, his fight to overturn the Trump executive orders to bust unions, and his advocacy for true labor law reform. As the Democratic Whip in the Senate, Senator Durbin uses his leadership role to advocate for the major issues of importance to IFPTE and organized labor, particularly concerning worker-friendly conditions to COVID relief monies approved by Congress. Senator Durbin has a 97% lifetime voting approval rating from the AFL-CIO. IFPTE is happy to back Senator Durbin’s candidacy.

Senator Doug Jones (D-AL) – During his first term, Senator Jones has proven to be a great supporter of IFPTE and for working families overall. He and his staff have been particularly helpful to members of the Engineering Association (EA/IFPTE Local 1937) and the Association of Administrative Law Judges (AALJ/IFPTE Judicial Council 1) in advocating against both TVA offshoring of IFPTE-represented IT jobs, and the SSA’s union-busting effort against IFPTE-represented Administrative Law Judges. Senator Jones is also an unapologetic supporter of unions, collective bargaining rights, and workers. Just recently, he issued a strong statement of support for members of the EA/IFPTE Local 1937 as they protested in Huntsville, Alabama against the TVA’s outsourcing of union members’ jobs to overseas firms. Sen. Jones has a 95% AFL-CIO approval rating and IFPTE is happy to lend him our support as he seeks his first full term in the Senate.

*Senator Gay Peters (D-MI) – As the Ranking Democrat on the Senate Homeland Security and Government Affairs Committee, Senator Peters has direct jurisdiction over federal sector unions and federal employees. This role has been incredibly important, as the chairman of this committee has taken direct aim at trying to erode collective bargaining rights and render the federal sector an at-will employer by doing away with the federal employee due process protections. Fortunately, Senator Peters has led the way in mitigating much of that damage by defending against these attacks, while working toward gaining a respectable federal employee pay raise and preventing any cuts to pensions and health care benefits. Senator Peters has a 96% approval rating from the AFL-CIO. IFPTE supports her candidacy. 

*Senator Jack Reed (D-RI) – Senator Reed is the Ranking Democrat on the Senate Armed Services Committee and, as a result, is one of the most influential lawmakers on Capitol Hill when it comes to U.S. defense policy and spending. In this role, Senator Reed has proven himself to be supportive of the tens of thousands of IFPTE members across the United States who are employed by the Department of Defense. He is also a staunch supporter of IFPTE public sector members in Rhode Island represented by IFPTE Local 400, proving so by calling for a robust state and local aid package as a part of the next COVID relief bill. Senator Reed has a lifetime AFL-CIO voting approval rating of 99%. IFPTE is happy to lend our support to Senator Reed.

*Sen. Jean Shaheen (D-NH) – As she wraps up her first full term in the United States Senate, IFPTE is pleased to lend our full support to Senator Shaheen as she pursues another term to represent the citizens of New Hampshire. Senator Shaheen has championed several issues for IFPTE’s membership, particularly issues important to IFPTE Local 4, from successfully championing legislation to overturn per diem cuts for DODs civilian travelers (which is now law), to opposing the Trump Administration’s executive orders aimed at eliminating federal unions, to her support of public sector workers in the wake of the Supreme Court Janus decision deeming all state and local government employers as ‘right-to-work for less.’ Most recently, Senator Shaheen has worked to save the child development center at the Cold Regions Research and Engineering Lab in Hanover, an issue of critical importance to IFPTE Local 4 members employed in New Hampshire by the Army Corps of Engineers. Senator Shaheen has a 93% AFL-CIO voting approval rating and IFPTE is once again proud to support her candidacy. 

Sen. Mark Warner (D-VA) – Virginia Senator Mark Warner has stood tall for IFPTE’s membership and IFPTE is proud to stand with him as he seeks a third term in the United States Senate. Senator Warner has been critical in blocking efforts by the Trump Administration to cut worker pensions and health care and has been a vocal supporter of robust state and local aid as a part of the next COVID relief package. Senator Warner works closely with the members of IFPTE Local 1, located in Norfolk, VA and elsewhere, and has delivered on countless important items of importance to their membership. Senator Warner has an 87% lifetime AFL-CIO voter approval rating and IFPTE is happy to support his candidacy. 

Governor John Hickenlooper (D-CO) – Former Governor John Hickenlooper’s campaign for the Senate builds on his pro-labor record from his time in Colorado politics. Bringing his experience of working with unions as mayor of Denver and later as governor and his commitment to reviving the American middle class, Governor Hickenlooper’s priorities would be a sea change from incumbent Colorado Senator Cory Gardner’s votes to repeal the Affordable Care Act and cut Medicare, his uncritical support for President Trump’s anti-labor nominees for the federal courts and the NLRB, and his refusal to work across the aisle to pass legislation that helps working people. IFPTE is proud to stand with Governor Hickenlooper and endorse his run for the Senate. 

Captain Mark Kelly (D-AR) – Mark Kelley is a former NASA astronaut, the husband of former Congresswoman Gabby Giffords, a U.S. Navy veteran, and is running for Senate in Arizona aiming to unseat current Senator Martha McSally. Given Senator McSally’s unabashed disdain for collective bargaining rights for American workers compared to Mr. Kelly’s support for working families, this was an easy decision for IFPTE. Mark is the son of two police officers and the product of a working-class family and public schools, a foundation that allowed him to enter military service to become a combat pilot, engineer, and astronaut. As NASA’s largest federal union, IFPTE is proud to back Mark Kelly for U.S. Senate. 

Lt. Colonel Amy McGrath (D-KY) – Amy McGrath, a retired Marine Corps fighter pilot, is seeking to unseat Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell. As the Senate Leader, there is no other person in the entire Congress who has done more damage to organized labor than Senator McConnell, particularly concerning his actions to confirm anti-union Supreme Court justices. In contrast, Amy McGrath understands that, in her words, “A path to the middle class has been all but cut off for far too many families by wages that have failed to keep pace with the rising cost of living, and the lack of job opportunities accessible to them.” As Amy McGrath seeks to unseat Senator McConnell, IFPTE is happy to support her candidacy. 

IFPTEendorsement, Congress