IFPTE Remembers Ronald Agustin and Vincent Kapoi, Jr; Anne Marie Murphy, on the Anniversaries of Their Tragic Passing

IFPTE shall never forget December 4, 2019 when our Local 121 and Hawaii Federal Employees Metal Trades Council Brothers, Ronald Agustinand and Vincent Kapoi, Jr, were tragically killed while on the job at the Pearl Harbor Naval Shipyard.  We also pay tribute to Local 136-13 member, Anne Marie Murphy, who was one of 26 people killed at Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown, Connecticut, December 14, 2012. IFPTE President Matt Biggs and Secretary-Treasurer Gay Henson issued the following joint statement on behalf of the entire IFPTE family: 

“This time of year brings with it great sadness for the IFPTE family, as members of IFPTE Locals 121 and 136-13 take time to remember their fallen coworkers and union family members who were tragically killed while on the job.  Sister Anne Marie Murphy, her colleagues, and her young students were taken from us and their families during the school day at Sandy Hook Elementary School nine years ago. Two years ago Brothers Vincent Kapoi and Ronald Agustin were gunned down while doing their jobs at the Pearl Harbor Naval Shipyard.  These IFPTE members were the victims of horrific acts while on the job, and our union will continue to work toward the imposition of strong security and safety measures in our society and workplaces everywhere to prevent such tragedies in the future, as well as proactive mental health assistance measures at the worksite so those that are in need are availed of these valuable health services.  The IFPTE family will not forget these members, and will continue to celebrate their lives and mourn for their families.”