IFPTE Requests Senators Cosponsor Trade Adjustment Assistance Reauthorization Act of 2024

This week, Senator Sherrod Brown (D-OH) introduced legislation to reauthorize Trade Adjustment Assistance, a support program for American workers impacted by trade. Over the last 50 years, TAA has provided over 5 million workers with retraining and other benefits to help them find new work, but TAA authorization lapsed in 2022, leaving over 118,000 workers unable to be certified by the Department of Labor to receive these benefits that support workers, their families, and their communities.

The Trade Adjustment Assistance Reauthorization Act of 2024 extends TAA through the end of 2030 and includes job search and case management services, income support for retraining, relocation, and transportation allowances for the job search process, and wage subsidies for older workers. 

In support of Sen. Brown’s bill, IFPTE urged Senators to cosponsor the bill and make sure it is passed by Congress as soon as possible. The union letter states, “As our nation brings critical supply chains back to the U.S. and invests in advanced manufacturing, infrastructure, and the energy sector, reauthorizing TAA will make sure trade-displaced workers have the resources they need to find good jobs that support American industries.” IFPTE will also look for opportunities to advance TAA reauthorization as part of other legislation that Congress is considering.

Read IFPTE’s letter.