IFPTE Signs Federal-Postal Coalition Letter Urging Congress to Approve 3.2% Federal Employee Pay Raise

This week, ahead of the release of President Biden’s FY2022 budget proposal, IFPTE joined federal unions and employee associations under the banner of the Federal-Postal Coalition to send a letter to Congressional Appropriators explaining the rationale for a 3.2 percent average federal pay increase.

The letter, which was signed by 19 unions and federal employee associations notes that, “Appropriating a 3.2 percent average pay raise for 2022 matches trends in the private sector and is a necessary step to ensure the federal government does not fall further behind in pay.”

A 3.2 percent average pay raise is called for in the Federal Adjustment of Income Rates Act, introduced by House Oversight and Reform Subcommittee Chair Gerry Connolly (VA). and Sen. Brian Schatz (HI).

Recognizing the critical contributions of federal employees to public safety and federal pay that is below market, the coalition letter tells Congress to “reestablish the precedent of appropriating market rate increases in federal pay rates and do so for 2022.”

Read the Federal-Postal Coalition letter to Congressional Appropriators here.