IFPTE Urges Senate to Vote on IAM’s Owen Herrnstadt ‘s Nomination for Export-Import Bank Board

As the nomination of Owen Herrnstadt to the Export-Import Bank continues to wait for Senate action, IFPTE reinforced their support for the nomination this week in a letter to Senators. 

Herrnstadt until recently served as International Association of Machinist’s (IAM) Trade and Globalization Department Director and has been a leading voice in the labor movement for fair trade, national policies that support U.S. manufacturing exports, and good union jobs.

The letter points to the importance of the Bank as “a critical part of U.S. economic policy that that promotes American manufacturing jobs and manufacturing exports,” while informing Senators that Hernnstadt “has served on the EXIM Advisory Board and will bring a deep understanding of the EXIM Bank’s role job creation, economic growth, and support for strategic industries.” 

Read a PDF of the letter here