IFPTE Urges Senators to Support Julie Su Nomination for Labor Secretary

IFPTE’s executive officers sent a letter to all Senators reinforcing their endorsement of Acting Labor Secretary Julie Su to serve as Secretary of Labor. IFPTE also sent a letter to Senate Health, Education, Labor, Pensions Committee (HELP) Chair Bernie Sanders and Ranking Member Bill Cassidy and all other Senators on the HELP Committee.

In the letter, which was jointly signed by President Biggs and Secretary-Treasurer Henson, urged all Senators to support her confirmation, noting that as Deputy Secretary of Labor, a role she has served in over the past two years, Su, “she led DOL alongside then-Secretary of Labor Marty Walsh to ensure that federal investments in the U.S. economy and implementation of historic legislation lead to good jobs, a pathway to the middle class, and economic opportunities for Americans throughout the nation.” The letter also notes that, “Deputy Secretary Su’s background as a civil rights attorney and as the former California Labor Commissioner, will prove invaluable to her in the role of Labor Secretary.”

The Senate HELP Committee held a confirmation hearing on Thursday, April 20 and is expected to consider advancing her nomination on Wednesday, April 26.

IFPTE urges all members in the U.S. sign the AFL-CIO petition supporting Julie Su’s nomination for Secretary of Labor.

Read IFPTE’s letter to Senators here.

Read the AFL-CIO’s letter to Senators here.