IFPTE Secretary-Treasurer Gay Henson Takes on Tennessee's Right-to-Work FOR LESS Constitutional Amendment Head On

IFPTE Secretary-Treasurer, and Tennessee native, Gay Henson authored a strongly worded opinion column in the Chattanooga Times Free Press last Friday in opposition to the state’s ballot initiative aimed at enshrining the deplorable ‘right-to-work for less’ laws into Tennessee’s constitution.

Henson wrote that the state’s current ‘Right-to-Work For Less’ laws hurts “all Tennessee workers, both union and non-union”, and that “adding this travesty to the state constitution, a document that defines our rights, makes a mockery of justice and good government.” Henson went on to conclude that, “Tennessee Constitutional Amendment 1 is about giving workers lower wages and less bargaining power. Don't settle for less. Vote "no" on Tennessee Constitutional Amendment 1.”

Read Gay’s full column here.