Historic Tentative Agreement Reached with Coalition of Kaiser Permanente Unions!

As the Recap was going to press, IFPTE received news about the Kaiser Permanente three-day strike.

ESC/IFPTE Local 20 is thrilled to announce a monumental moment in the history of their Partnership with Kaiser. ESC secured an unprecedented deal that includes across-the-board (ATB) wage increases spanning all geographical regions in the Coalition. 

6% in October 2023;
5% in October 2024;
5% in October 2025; and
5% in October 2026 – the largest raise package in the history of the Kaiser Labor/Management Partnership. 

Additionally, all Coalition members will receive a ratification bonus of $1,500 which comes after they vote to ratify the contract. 

Several individual agreements have been reached, and ESC looks forward to sharing all the details soon. ESC will host a town hall to present the language for these tentative agreements and address any questions from members. 

This achievement stands as a testament to the strength and unity of our Coalition that made this victory possible.

“It was a historic moment when the US Department of Labor Acting Secretary Julie Su arrived to support union workers in the largest negotiations for healthcare workers in the nation.” – Joan Mah 

“After a long drawn-out process negotiating with Kaiser, I’m proud of all our wins. Standing united as a Coalition ensured that we reached this historic tentative agreement.” – Connie Savoy 

“I learned so much from this process and am glad we fought back against the various takeaways Kaiser proposed throughout this bargaining cycle” – Sandra Prado 

“It was so empowering to see the Coalition Union leaders stand together to achieve a historic one-tier across-the-board pay structure unheard of in the past. The energy and passion were evident throughout the entire process.” – Deb Deveno 

“Our Coalition strength and solidarity were evident as each and every one of us stepped up to support all healthcare workers. We appreciate all of the support and hard work that stewards and members that helped us get to this point.” - Kathleen (KD) Doerr

‘Patients Over Profits!’, Local 20 Members Walk the Picket Line Against Kaiser Permanente

ESC/IFPTE Local 20 members joined fellow Union Siblings employed by Kaiser Permanente in walking the picket line last week to bring to light the bad faith bargaining practices of Kaiser Permanente. 

ESC Executive Director, Frankie Preciado, commented on the strike and ongoing negotiations, saying, “It was critical that ESC/IFPTE Local 20 join in Solidarity with the Kaiser Coalition of Unions picketing against Kaiser’s divide-and-conquer tactics. We are hopeful that the three-day strike will convince Kaiser that their bad faith bargaining tactics will not be tolerated.” 

ESC Vice President/IFPTE Western Area Vice President, Dr. Joan Mah, also commented:  “Unfortunately the refusal of Kaiser to bring legitimate proposals to the table is a departure from their approach in past negotiations.  ESC stands arm and arm with the Coalition of Unions in fighting to bring fairness to Kaiser’s workers and the patients we serve.”

ESC President/IFPTE Executive Vice President, John Mader, capped off the comments, calling Kaiser’s bargaining approach, “irresponsible and highly disrespectful to the ESC membership and all of Kaiser Permanente’s union-represented staff.” 

Learn more about the three-day sympathy strike and the Union Coalition here

ESC Kaiser national bargaining team: Connie Savoy, Joan Mah, Deb Deveno, Sandra Pradonava, Kathleen Doerr, and Francisco Preciado