President Biden Taps Grundmann, Rumsfeld for Key FLRA Posts – IFPTE Responds

IFPTE issued a statement applauding President Biden’s nominations of Susan Grundmann for Federal Labor Relations Authority (FLRA) Member and Kurt Rumsfeld for FLRA General Counsel, noting that, “There is little doubt that they will hit the ground running in bringing back fairness, a respect for the law, and an appreciation for our nation’s civil service workers that has been absent with this body over the previous four years, as two of the three FLRA members have used their positions in a reckless and lawless manner.” 

Read the full IFPTE statement below and download a PDF here.


IFPTE Applauds Biden FLRA Nominations

President Biden Taps Grundmann, Rumsfeld for Key FLRA posts

WASHINGTON, DC – The officers of the International Federation of Professional and Technical Engineers (IFPTE) issued the following statements today in support of President Biden’s nominations of Susan T. Grundmann and Kurt Rumsfeld for Federal Labor Relations Authority (FLRA) member and General Counsel, respectively.

IFPTE President Paul Shearon:

“IFPTE applauds President Biden for these nominations, as both Susan Grundmann and Kurt Rumsfeld bring with them a long and distinguished background that makes them perfect to serve in these critically important roles at the FLRA. There is little doubt that they will hit the ground running in bringing back fairness, a respect for the law, and an appreciation for our nation’s civil service workers that has been absent with this body over the previous four years, as two of the three FLRA members have used their positions in a reckless and lawless manner. IFPTE welcomes these nominations and urges the Senate to act quickly in confirming them.”

IFPTE Secretary-Treasurer/Legislative Director Matt Biggs:

“IFPTE enthusiastically supports both Susan Grundmann and Kurt Rumsfeld for these FLRA positions. Susan Grundmann has a long and distinguished career as the former MSPB Chair in the Obama Administration, and as one of the top lawyers in the labor movement as General Counsel of the National Federation of Federal Employees. Mr. Rumsfeld also brings with him a wealth of experience, which includes serving as FLRA Assistant General Counsel for six years and currently serving as chief counsel for FLRA Chairman DuBester. Given that the FLRA continues to maintain two Trump appointees who render decisions based on ideology and not law, it is critical that Congress move swiftly to confirm these two fine nominees.”

IFPTE is a labor union representing 90,000 federal, public, and private sector workers in the United States and Canada.
