PRO Act Week of Action Wraps UP- Tell Your Senators to PASS THE PRO ACT

This week, union members and allies across the U.S. participated in actions to demand the U.S. Senate pass the Protecting the Right to Organize Act (PRO Act). This bill is a comprehensive and urgently needed labor law reform that restores workers' democratic right to form and join a union and bargain collectively.

Last weekend, SPEEA's Brent McFarlane and Legislative Director Brandon Anderson attended the Washington Labor Federation's PRO Act Rally in Seattle. Washington Senator and Senate Health-Education-Labor-Pension Committee Chairwoman Patty Murray is the lead sponsor of the PRO Act.

SPEEA members and leaders in Wichita joined Friday's PRO Act rally, organized by the Kansas AFL-CIO and the Wichita/Hutchinson Labor Federation. Donna Lehane, former IFPTE Executive Council VP for SPEEA, attended and shared with the Wichita Eagle that "she wanted to show residents outside of organized labor that the PRO Act could have an impact on them too."

Read SPEEA-Local 2001's PRO Act campaign page for testimonials from SPEEA members and aerospace professionals on why we need the PRO Act. Tell your Senators to Pass the PRO Act here and check out local events closing out this PRO Act Week of Action here .