Society Recognizes International Day of Pink

April 14 was International Day of Pink. The Society of United Professionals (SUP/IFPTE 160) is proud to stand up against homophobic, trans-phobic and all kinds of bullying. The International Day of Pink is an international anti-bullying event held annually during the second week of April. The event started when students David Shepherd and Travis Price saw another student, who was wearing a pink shirt, being bullied in their Central Kings Rural High School in Nova Scotia, Canada, and deciding to show support for the student by getting everyone at their school to wear pink the following day. 

On International Day of Pink we wear pink and recommit to challenging homophobia, trans-phobia, and discrimination in all forms. Discrimination has no place in our workplaces or our society. Let's all work towards a world free of bullying.

Candace RhettSUP