TEAM Members Attend MFL Women’s Conference

TEAM/IFPTE Local 161 members took part in the Manitoba Federation of Labour (MFL) Women’s Conference held on September 26 & 27. Occurring triennially, the conference offers an intensive two-day learning experience in a supportive and feminist environment, open to women and gender-diverse people from MFL-affiliated unions.

This year's conference theme, Women Belong in All Places Where Union Decisions Are Made, builds from the famous words of the late feminist, U.S. Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg: “Women belong in all places where decisions are being made. It shouldn’t be that women are the exception.”

The conference examined why it’s important to have women involved in all areas of union work and activism: from leadership to collective bargaining, political action, servicing members, workplace health & safety, and more. 

The two days were filled with dynamic speakers, panel discussions, and workshops. It also included a volunteer evening of canvassing door-to-door for the upcoming provincial election on October 3. TEAM members had the opportunity to meet and network with a cross-section of activists from many different unions, building connections and solidarity.