TEAM Office and Members Join the Many Millions Now Working from Home

Preparations were already underway when at the urging of the Canadian government two weeks ago, the TEAM/IFPTE Local 161 staff vacated their office and setup operations from home. The employer, Bell Canada, ordered most of the TEAM membership to work from home where possible, and is implementing remote working for others. 

TEAM remains focused on providing assistance and support to TEAM members, and despite our differences, we commend Bell Canada for the way they have, and continue to safeguard the health of our members, and for their response to concerns raised by our staff about employee safety. Bob Linsdell, TEAM’s Executive Director, said “when this is all over, we’ll get back to business as usual, but for now, we’re working together on helping our members, friends, family, and indeed country, get through this very difficult time”.