WSN Releases Top 10 Equity & Inclusion Guide

March 8 is International Women's Day (IWD). It is a global day celebrating the social, economic, cultural and political achievements of women. The first IWD gathering started in 1911 and has been recognized every year for over a century. This special day marks a call to action for accelerating women's equality.

In preparation for a new decade of women’s organizing in 2020, the IFPTE Women’s Solidarity Network (WSN) has created a guide to assist Locals with integrating equity into our union’s work. The Top 10 Equity & Inclusion Guide has been designed to give IFPTE members, elected leaders, and staff ideas on individual and organizational steps that can be taken to promote equity inside our union.

“WSN is very pleased to launch this important guide just in time for International Women’s Day. Anyone interested in moving our union forward should get a copy”, said Tracy Miller, WSN Chair.

Download your copy below.

IFPTEWSN, Equity, Inclusion, guide, IFPTE