WSN's Unconscious Bias Presentation is Back On!

The WSN postponed our March 2020 Women & Unions International Conference Call Series due to the uncertainty we were all experiencing at the beginning of the pandemic. We’re gearing up for the fall session and our Unconscious Bias presentation is back on!

TOPIC: Unconscious Bias

DATE: September 30, 2020

TIME: 2:00 - 3:00pm EST

Have you heard about unconscious bias? Everyone has it - even the most progressive leaders in the world have unconscious bias. Developments this year such as the rise in anti-Asian racism and the Black Lives Matter movement have put a spotlight on the negative impacts of unconscious bias. We all need to do our part and learn more about it.

Join the IFPTE Women’s Solidarity Network for our 5th Women & Unions International Conference Call Series. Learn about the subtle ways bias permeates into our daily lives. Featured speaker, Joelle Allen, Chief Inclusion Strategist from Interaction Traction will examine what unconscious bias is and how it operates. She will also highlight what it commonly looks like in the workplace, providing suggestions on what to do in various circumstances.

Register now to learn more about this important topic!