SUP-Local 160 Weighs In on Provincial and Federal Budgets, Calls for Investments in Pandemic Recovery, Decarbonization and Access to Justice

The Society of United Professionals (SUP), IFPTE Local 160 is pressing the Ontario provincial and federal governments for pandemic recovery, decarbonization of transportation and energy systems, and access to justice measures in their respective budgets. These priorities were outlined in the Society’s budget consultation submission to each government.

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IFPTE Call to Join a National Day of Action and Healing in Solidarity with Asian and Pacific Islander Communities

IFPTE stands in solidarity with Asian and Pacific Islander communities across Canada and the USA. We call upon our members and their families, our brother and sisters in the labor movement, our elected leader, and our communities to join together for a national day of action and healing on Friday, March 26, 2021 to #StopAsianHate.

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SOLIDARITY ALERT – IFPTE Joins with AFL-CIO and President Biden in Standing with Amazon Workers Seeking Union Representation

IFPTE President Paul Shearon commented, “It is appalling that a corporation worth upwards of 1 trillion dollars, and owned by the richest person on the face of the earth, is going to extraordinary lengths to intimidate and threaten their workers in order to prevent them from forming a union.”

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IFPTE Joins Over 430 Organizations to Call on President Biden to Support Waiver of COVID Medical Patent Rights 

In a letter organized by the Citizen’s Trade Campaign, hundreds of organizing urged President Biden to reverse the U.S. government’s position and allow a waiver of the WTO Agreement on Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights (TRIPS) so that people in developing countries can have access to COVID-19 medicines, diagnostics, medical equipment, and vaccines. Read more on Citizen’s Trade Campaign’s website

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