Bea Bruske, Newly Elected Canadian Labour Congress President, Shares Her Vision for the Labour Movement with IFPTE

Just weeks after being elected President of the CLC, Bea Bruske took time last week to sit down with IFPTE International Representative David Sauer and discuss her vision for the future of Canada’s labour movement, share her take on the key Canadian industries that employ thousands of IFPTE members, and discuss how she see’s Canada’s unions working more cohesively together.

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IFPTE Urges Support for STEM Civil Service Careers at NASA in Letter to House Science Committee and Oversight Committee

In a letter to the chairs of the House Committees with jurisdiction over NASA and federal civil servants, IFPTE shared concerns about the NASA provisions in S.1260, the U.S. Innovation and Competitiveness Act — which recently passed the Senate with bipartisan support. IFPTE urged the Committee leaders to build on the advantages of the civil service to make NASA careers more attractive to STEM graduates and federal workers.

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Wichita Robotics Team Wins Big at State Competition, Acknowledges SPEEA-Local 2001 for Mentorship and Support

Students from the Kapaun Mt. Carmel Catholic High School robotics team won multiple awards last month in the Kansas Boosting Engineering, Science and Technology (BEST) robotics competition. Students and teachers from the winning team joined the virtual SPEEA Midwest Council meeting in May to thank the union for their longstanding support of the BEST program.

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IFPTE Supports Bipartisan Infrastructure Framework, Calls for Progressive Offsets to Pay for It

IFPTE Pres. Shearon called the framework “a good first step toward significant infrastructure investment to support millions of good paying, union represented jobs,” adding that Congress must work on adding “progressive offsets to pay for the larger package such as raising the minimum corporate tax, closing corporate tax loopholes that allow multi-nationals like Amazon to pay no taxes at all, and ensuring that our wealthiest wage earners finally pay their fair share in taxes, to help pay for the full scope of our infrastructure needs.”

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Local 196 Visits with New Jersey Congressman Chris Smith

IFPTE Local 196/Atlantic Area Vice President Sean McBride and Local 196 business manager Jimmy Robertello traveled to Washington, DC this week to attend an event with New Jersey Congressman Chris Smith. The Local 196 leaders also met with Pennsylvania Congressman Brian Fitzpatrick.

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Urgent New Jersey Member Mobilization Alert – Tell your State Legislators to Support The Responsible Collective Negotiations Act

The IFPTE International and the IFPTE Atlantic Council is urging all IFPTE members represented by an IFPTE public sector local to ask your state Senator and Assembly Members to support the “Responsible Collective Negotiations Act” – also known as the “Janus 2” bill.

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NBC News and Catholic Labor Network Reporting Connects the Assault on the NAIJ Union and Judicial Independence for Immigration Judges

NBC Nightly News aired a televised segment featuring National Association of Immigration Judges-Judicial Council 2 (NAIJ) President Amiena Khan and NAIJ Executive Vice President Dana Marks alongside retired Immigration Judges Charles Honeyman and Lisa Dornell. Separately, the Catholic Labor Network shared with its members Immigration Judges’ role in the immigration system, NAIJs efforts to defend due process rights, and the Trump Administration’s union busting against NAIJ.

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IFPTE Urges Trudeau Government to “Leave No Stone Unturned” on Canada Indian Residential School Program Atrocities

After learning of the tragic news that the remains of 215 children were found at the Kamloops Indian Residential School in British Columbia, WAPSO-Local 162/Canadian Area Vice President Richard Mahe and Canadian Area Vice President Scott Travers sent a joint letter to Prime Minister Trudeau calling on his government to “to leave no stone unturned."

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