Tell Dept. of Education to Fulfill the Promise of the Public Service Loan Forgiveness and Eliminate Student Debt for Public Service Workers

Are you one of the millions of people struggling to access Public Service Loan Forgiveness? Your story and Public Service Loan Forgiveness (PSLF) experience matters! Tell President Biden and Education Secretary Cardona to eliminate student debt for those who have worked a decade or more serving their community. Now is the time to fulfill the promise of the PSLF program.

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Candace Rhett
WAPSO Joins City of Winnipeg's Indigenous Accord

On Thursday, July 29, the Winnipeg Association of Public Service Officers-Local 162 (WAPSO) took a historic step in becoming the first labour organization in Manitoba to become a partner to the City of Winnipeg’s Indigenous Accord.

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Bipartisan Infrastructure Deal is A Promising First Step - IFPTE Urges YES Vote 

With the release of the legislative text for the Bipartisan Infrastructure Deal, IFPTE requested Senators pass the “$1.2 trillion legislation which adds a significant $550 billion in new infrastructure funding and includes necessary reauthorizations for surface transportation, water, and energy infrastructure.

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IFPTE joins Federal Workers Alliance in support of the ALJ Competitive Service Restoration Act

As the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee was preparing to consider the ALJ Competitive Service Restoration Act (HR 4448), to overturn the Trump Administration’s Executive Order politicizing the hiring of federal Administrative Law Judges (ALJs), IFPTE was one of 24 Federal Workers Alliance (FWA) unions signing a letter to Chairs Maloney and Connolly endorsing the bill.

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Candace Rhett
IFPTE Joins Union Letter to House and Senate Demanding Congress Expand and Improve Medicare and Include Drug Price Negotiation in Budget Reconciliation Bill

As the House and Senate deliberate on a budget reconciliation infrastructure bill that includes President Biden's American Families, IFPTE was among 17 labor unions asking Congress to include robust Medicare drug price negotiation, expansion of Medicare benefits, and lowering the Medicare eligibility age.

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