IFPTE Letter Requests Senators Reform Filibuster Rules, Pass John Lewis Voting Rights Advancement Act and the Freedom to Vote Act, And Protect the Right to Vote

IFPTE urged Senators “In the strongest possible terms, we urge you to reform the Senate’s filibuster rules and pass the John Lewis Voting Rights Advancement Act and the Freedom to Vote Act.” The AFL-CIO also sent a letter with Executive Council members, including IFPTE President Biggs, requesting filibuster reform and passage of voting rights legislation.

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CLC Petition Calling for Action on Canada’s Care Crisis

Sign the Canadian Labour Congress (CLC) petition calling on Ottawa to take action to address Canada’s care crisis. We need governments to apply hard-learned pandemic lessons and invest in a system that values care work and care workers, and supports those who need and those who provide care – enabling us all to work and live with dignity.

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Candace Rhett