IFPTE Newark Council 21 Takes Their Fight to the City Council

IFPTE Newark Council 21 President Sean Small addressed the Newark City Council this week seeking “justice” for the upwards of 1,000 city workers that he represents. Brother Small was accompanied by Atlantic Area VP/Local 196 President Sean McBride, Local 196 business manager Jimmy Robertello, and IFPTE representative Karen Bellamy Lewis.

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Secretary-Treasurer Henson Participates in Labor Briefing for Senate Staff on the Abuses of the H-1B Work Visa Program

At a labor briefing for Senate staff, Secretary-Treasurer Gay Henson shared the experiences of the TVA Engineering Association-Local 1937 members who successfully blocked their employer’s efforts to privatize their work to offshore-outsourcing firms replying on the H-1B work visa program.

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FWA Tells Senators That FLRA's Anti-Union Decision Against NAIJ Also Attacks Due Process in Immigration Court -- Urges Confirmation of FLRA Nominees ASAP

In response to the latest decision and order from the FLRA against the National Association of Immigration Judges-IFPTE Judicial Council 2, the Federal Workers Alliance sent letter to remind Senate Democrats that the Trump appointed majority on the FLRA is carrying out the previous administration’s anti-federal union agenda and other policy priorities as it attacks federal employees’ union rights.

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FLRA Decision Busts Immigration Judges Union, Carrying Out Anti-Union Trump Administration Attack on Federal Employees and Immigration Court

IFPTE responded to the Federal Labor Relations Authority’s revocation of NAIJ-IFPTE Judicial Council 2’s union certification, denying over 530 immigration judges employed by the Department of Justice (DOJ) their statutory union rights. NAIJ was recognized and certified as the exclusive union representative for immigration judges in 1979.

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IFPTE Requests U.S. Commission on Civil Rights Recognize Benefits of California AB 5 Law for People of Color, Women, and All Workers

IFPTE leadership sent a letter to the U.S. Commission on Civil Rights requesting the Commission recognize that California Assembly Bill 5 (AB 5), which was signed into California state law in 2019, protects labor rights of women, people of color, immigrant workers, and all workers by requiring a straightforward three-part test to make sure that independent contractors are not in fact employees who have been misclassified.

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