How to Start a Local Women’s Committee


 How to Start a Local Women’s Committee

  1. Check your Local union constitution and bylaws to determine how committees are established, most are appointed by the president. Decide how many officers you will have i.e. Chair, Co-chair, Secretary, Sgt-at-arms and Treasurer if needed.

  2. The Committee should be open to those who express interest (yes even men).

  3. Talk to co-workers about the issues of concern to women and men.

  4. Talk to the Leadership and Executive Board to get their support, make sure to stress that your purpose is to build the union.

  5. Schedule first meeting

Once committee is setup

  1. Hold your first meeting: explain the purpose of the committee.

  2. Provide a safe environment for women to discuss current workplace, community and personal issues.

  3. Discuss how often your meetings will be held.

  4. Schedule next meeting.

Project Ideas

  • Identify women's educational and training needs

  • Raise awareness on issues affecting women in your local

  • Breast Cancer and Diabetes awareness workshops (bring in speakers)

  • Leadership development training

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