Annual Society Council

The Society of United Professionals/IFPTE Local 160 held their annual Council this week under the theme of “United Today and Tomorrow”. The meeting was held in-person providing Local 160 delegates with updates on the union’s activities over the last year. IFPTE President Matt Biggs and Secretary Treasurer Gay Henson were in attendance to bring greetings, and reported on the federation’s recent work and areas of priority. President Biggs focused on the historic events happening in Ontario with the introduction of Bill 28, which the Ontario Ford government decided to repeal within days after the labour movement across Canada mobilized in opposition. 

The Society’s Council had a broad array of speakers on various topics pertinent to the members. Speakers at the Council included Siobhan Vipond, Executive Vice President of the Canadian Labour Congress, along with advocates for nuclear power, Dr. Chris Keefer, President of Canadians for Nuclear Energy, and Heather Hoff, founder of Mother’s for Nuclear, ESC/IFPTE Local 20. Other speakers included Professor Jillian Rogin, University of Windsor, Faculty of Law who focused on access to justice issues. The evening's keynote speaker featured Deena Ladd, Executive Director of the Workers’ Action Centre. 

On the day before the Council commenced, the Society held its Empowerment Conference open to all members interested in learning more about equity, how to be an ally, and how to get involved with one or more of the Society's equity committees. Each of the Society’s equity committees - Indigenous Relations Circle, Sisters United, Pride & Solidarity, Young Professionals Network, Coalition of Racialized Professionals, and the Professionals with Disabilities Committee - hosted a session looking at key issues and activities the committees are currently working on. As well, each session included a noted guest speaker related to the respective areas of work.

View photos from the Society Council

L-R: Gay Henson, Michelle Johnston, Deena Ladd, Matt Biggs, Laurie Reid, and Chris Graham

Candace RhettSociety Council