Former IFPTE Local 195 President Timothy Rudolph Posthumously Honored with the Knights of Labor Award

The Mercer County Central Labor Council celebrated the 34th Annual Knights of Labor Dinner on October 29, 2022. Each year the CLC recognizes union leaders from various sectors of the labor movement for their dedication to working men and women with the “Knights of Labor” Award. The “Friend of Labor” Award is presented to an elected official who supports the goals and objectives of the labor movement.

Former IFPTE Local 195 President, Timothy Rudolph, was the first ever to receive the “Knights of Labor” Award posthumously, in honor of his life in labor. Tim was a huge supporter of the Mercer CLC and participated in the dinner for many years. Tim’s wife, family and friends were in attendance as well as members from his Local union. The award was accepted on his behalf by his brother, Joel Rudolph and his daughters Leonette and Tiffany.

Senator Linda Greenstein of the 14 Legislative District, and recipient of the “Friend of Labor” Award, thanked the Rudolph family for Tim’s tireless dedication to the labor movement.

His wife Eleanor simply stated, “Tim LOVED the labor movement, and was truly a Union man.”