As Congress Considers Urgent Infrastructure Needs, IFPTE Urges Passage of Bipartisan Infrastructure and Support for Build Back Better Act

This week, just before the House began consideration of the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act (H.R.3684), which was crafted and passed by the Senate with bipartisan support, IFPTE reiterated our support for the bill . Overall, this bill provides $1.3 billion in investments, including $550 in additional infrastructure and public works funding over 10 years, and also reauthorizes spending for surface transportation, water, and energy infrastructure.

Because the scale of our infrastructure deficit is so vast and the improvements needed to address future pressures on our infrastructure systems are so great, IFPTE advocates for the passage of both the bipartisan Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act and the Build Back Better Act.

Provisions in the bill that IFPTE supports include:

  • Transit and Rail Modernization – This bill provides $39.2 billion for public transit and $66 billion for passenger and freight rail, with provisions that close transit equity gaps, prepare for future investments, include disaster mitigation, and require set-asides for low-income and underserved urban and rural areas.

  • Investments in Energy and Electric Grid – We applaud the inclusion of the bipartisan Energy Infrastructure Act, which provides $73 billion for power infrastructure. As recent outages in regional transmission systems have shown, investment in a resilient and energy efficient transmission and distribution system is urgently required to meet current needs and to prepare for future expansion of clean energy generation and utilization.

  • Highway, Road, Bridge Repair and Construction, and Safety – The $110 billion for major projects in surface transportation is long overdue to remedy the poor or mediocre condition that 40% of the nation’s roads and highways are in and the structurally deficient that 7.5% of the nation’s bridges are in. Additionally, funding for safety for pedestrians and bicyclists through the “Safe Streets and Roads for All” program, SMART grants, and other provisions are welcome steps in preventing needless death and injury on our highways and streets.

  • Ports and Waterways – This bill’s commitment of $17.3 billion, with $9.55 billion in new spending for Army Corps of Engineers infrastructure projects, is a significant step towards resolving the backlog of repairs and maintenance while also mitigating the impact of natural disasters and improving infrastructure resiliency.

  • Airports – With long-term trends indicating growing capacity challenges, our aviation infrastructure is expected to face at least a $11 billion funding shortfall over 10 years in pre- pandemic projections, this bill’s $25 billion commitment to airport infrastructure will meeting current and upcoming needs.

  • Investment in Drinking and Wastewater Systems – The $55 billion for upgrading and fixing service and sewer lines and pipes addresses a critical public health issue for millions of American families. The inclusion of the Drinking Water and Wastewater Infrastructure Act will increase the safety, reliability, and efficiency of our water systems for all Americans.

  • Expanding Broadband Across the U.S. – The $65 billion allocation for broadband infrastructure will expand internet access to families, schools, and businesses throughout the nation. We applaud $40 billion in grants to states as well as the inclusion of provisions to assure affordability and access to tribal and rural areas.

  • Support for American Jobs and Buy America – IFPTE applauds the inclusion of the Build America Buy America Act, which commits all federal infrastructure and public works to domestic content requirements.

Read IFPTE’s letter on the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act here.

Learn more about the Build Back Better Act here.