Biggs, Henson Participate in AFL-CIO Executive Council Committee Meetings

The AFL-CIO held a series of Executive Council committee meetings this week.  The meetings, which are a precursor to the AFL-CIO executive council meetings in February, were held at the AFL-CIO headquarters in Washington, DC.  Among the committee meetings attended by Presidentt Biggs and Secretary-Treasurer Henson were the committees on women workers, immigration, legislation and policy, international affabirs, and energy, among others.  IFPTE’s executive officers commented: 


  • IFPTE President Matthew Biggs
    This week’s meetings at the AFL-CIO were an opportunity for Secretary-Treasurer Henson and I to bring the issues facing IFPTE’s membership to the highest levels of the American labor movement, including items related to grant opportunities stemming from the Inflation Reduction Act and the CHIPs bill to help invest in cutting edge technologies, and the STEM jobs that come with them.


  • IFPTE Secretary-Treasurer Gay Henson
    “IFPTE is a proud member of the AFL-CIO executive council and will always use our position on the board to put forth IFPTE specific, as well as larger labor, issues impacting workers across the nation.  At this particular meeting we were able to raise several issues of interest to our membership, including our interest in a labor movement that shares our goals of more robust federal investment in clean energy technologies and the union represented jobs that come along with them.” 


IFPTE will continue to keep Locals informed on the work of the AFL-CIO.