Crisis Averted Once Again - Dysfunctional Congress Passes Legislation to Keep the Government Open

Despite the chaos caused by the dysfunctional United States House of Representatives, Congress finally passed bipartisan legislation to keep the government funded beyond the close of the Fiscal Year 2024 (FY24) on October 1st. 

The funding legislation referred to as a Continuing Resolution (CR,) will fund the government at current FY24 levels until December 20th. At that point, Congress will again have to pass the FY25 spending bills, or another CR to keep federal agencies from closing their doors.  In a message to all IFPTE Federal Locals this week announcing the spending deal, IFPTE president, Matt Biggs, provided Federal Local leaders and members a CRS report entitled, Past Government Shutdowns:  Key Resources,” noting that, “given the dysfunction of the Congressional appropriations process and the potential for future shutdowns, including in December when this current CR expires, this should be a helpful resource to all Federal Locals and members.” 

See the full CRS report here