Door to Expansion Opened: SPEEA Members Approve Constitutional Referendum by 76%

Recognizing the importance of opening SPEEA to professionals outside The Boeing Company and Spirit AeroSystems, SPEEA union members overwhelmingly approved a Constitutional Referendum to ease that process. While needing 60% of the members to vote “ACCEPT,” the final tally showed 2,210 “Accept” vote and 698 “Reject” for a final approval from 76% of the voting members.

“Thanks to the efforts of the SPEEA Expansion Team, Tellers and unanimous support from our Councils and committees we are able to make this needed update to our Constitution,” said Executive Director Ray Goforth. The referendum had broad support from union leaders, including the Executive Board, all three union Councils and every SPEEA, Northwest and Midwest committee approved motions of support. IFPTE President Matt Biggs and Former President Paul Shearon voiced strong support for the referendum.

Learn more on the referendum here.